
Showing posts from January, 2020

Causes of Dental Anxiety/Dental phobia | All Smiles Dental Spa

Causes of Dental Anxiety Dental fear is a common emotional response to one or more specific stimuli in the dental condition. However, dental anxiety is a condition of concern that something terrible is about to happen with dental treatment, usually accompanied by a sense of loss of control. Similarly, the dental phobia refers to severe dental anxiety, which is marked and persistent anxiety associated with clearly identifiable conditions or materials (e.g., drilling, local anesthetic injections) or the dental setting in general. The term dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is often used to refer to the strong negative emotions associated with dental treatment among children, carriers, and adults, whether or not dental phobia meets the criteria for diagnosis.  In dental phobia, the dentist may fear dental procedures, the dental environment or setting, fear of dental implants, or as a person. some of the common reasons include: Embarrassment Prior Experience Immediate Surrounding

Endodontic Dentistry in Dubai | All Smiles Dental Spa Al Barsha

Endodontic Dentistry in Dubai Endodontics is the branch of Dentistry aimed at treating infections in the Root Canal system. Infection can arise due to reasons such as damage to the teeth, leaky fillings, and tooth decay. Root Canal Treatment becomes necessary when the Dental X-rays show that the pulp inside the teeth is infected by bacteria. If not treated on time, bacteria can spread and multiply, leading to unbearable pain, bacterial puss, bad breath, gum swelling, and other oral diseases. Timely treatment can help to avoid the aforementioned conditions and save your teeth from decay.  All Smiles Dental Spa Dubai is the number one dental center dedicated to Endodontics, the treatment carried out to save lots of natural teeth, often mentioned as root canal therapy. Our Endodontic specialists , offer some of the best endodontic treatment this country can offer and welcome referrals from dentists all over in Dubai . We pride ourselves on our care and quality of treatment and

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