How often should you replace your Toothbrush? - All Smiles Dent Spa

How often should you replace your Toothbrush? - All Smiles Dent Spa Have you ever looked at your aging toothbrush sitting next to your sink and wondered “how often should I change my toothbrush?” The answer is, probably more often than you might think. Although there are a few different reasons why you should be throwing out your toothbrush, the general rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months. Maintaining Your Toothbrush 1. Rinse before use- For starters, after you use your toothbrush it’s important you rinse it off thoroughly with tap water. Rinsing helps wash away any remaining toothpaste, food, and saliva that may still be present on your brush. 2.Store in a Dry Place- It is important to store your toothbrush in a vertical position to air dry the brush. It’s important to make sure your toothbrush is completely dry every time you use it. 3.Keep it away from other bruhses- It’s best not to store your toothbrush in a place where it’s ...