Root Canal Treatment Dubai

Root Canal Treatment Dubai

Root Canal Treatment Dubai

Root canal treatment is used to repair and save a tooth which is decayed or infected. While doing root canal treatment the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of tooth is cleaned. Once if the tooth is infected you need to undergo root canal treatment otherwise the surrounding tooth will also become infected. Root canal is the term used to describe the cavity within the tooth. Pulp is the soft area within the root canal. Tooth's nerve lies within the root canal. Root canal treatment is also known as endodontic treatment or endodontic therapy.

Diagonstics and Preparation for Endodontic treatment

  • Palpation - Here the tip of the root is left from the overlying tissues to see if there is any swelling.
  • Mobility - It is an assessment to see if there is more movement for the tooth than the normal movement.
  • Percussion - Tooth is checked to see if there is any tenderness.
  • Transillumination - A shining light is propagated through the tooth to see if there is any fracture.
  • Tooth slooth - This is done to localise the tooth by making the patient to bite in a plastic instrument, and if there is a pain then they can tell it to the dentist.
  • Radiographics

A Brief understanding of Root Canal treatment 

This treatment consists of a number of steps , depending upon the situation. The steps are briefed up here:
  • At first  endodontists inspects and then suggests for x-ray, after the examination local anesthesia is given.
  • A covering is placed over the affected tooth to keep it free from saliva.
  •  Endodontists removes the diseased pulp.
  • The pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and shaped in preparation for filling.
  •  Endodontist fills the root canal with a material.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment Dubai

Root canal treatment is a painless treatment. There are may reasons for adopting root canal treatment and there are also countless reasons for saving the natural tooth. This treatment helps you maintain your natural smile and limits for the dental work.

Endodontic treatment as a Pain-less Procedure
Root canal treatment as a pain free procedure. It is a painless treatment because of modern techniques and effective anesthesia provided.

Most efficient and cost effective Treatment
Endodontic treatment is most effective treatment since this doesn't require too many follow up appointments. And most dental insurance plans cover root canal treatment or endodontic treatment.

Result of Endodontic Treatment
After undergoing endodontic treatment your smile and laugh out loud again. The crowns functions and looks like the natural teeth.

Success of Root canal treatment
It is a highly successful treatment, it has 95% success rate. Teeth fixed with  root canal treatment lasts for a lifetime. Since the final step of this procedure is the application of a restoration such as crown or a filling, it will not seem that a root canal was performed.

Hope you got an idea about the root canal treatment. Best and quality root canal treatment is provided by All Smiles Dental Spa one of the top dental clinics in Dubai. Also have a look at the brief description of  Root Canal Treatment Dubai


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