Hollywood Smile Dubai

Hollywood Smile

Hollywood smile Dubai
It is said that "Beauty is power and smile is its sword." The whole world apprecites a beautiful smile. Teeth is considered to be beautiful if its forms, proportions, color are harmonous. Simillarly smile will become beautiful on the whole integration of its elements. Hollywood smile provides the criteria of the perfect smile.
Hollywood smile is a process that includes improving the color, the shape and alignment of teeth using different methods using veneers, braces etc. It is said that color of teeth should contrast with skin and white in your eyes. Gum should be light pink. A great and beautiful smile lifts a persons confidence. Edges of upper teeth should be parallel to the lower lip. So let us see how to get a hollywood smile? All Smiles dental smile will help to attain Hollywood smile.

How can I attain a hollywood smile?

In order to get a hollywood smile first you need to contact the dentist for an assessment of your oral health that includes to assess the teeth condition suitably for a hollywood smile. To attain a hollywood smile you may need to correct irregular bite, teeth whitening, invisible brace treatment-invisalign etc. Once the oral health is assessed and if the patient chooses to proceed Hollywood smile, they will be provided with a trial to ensure satisfaction with the choices. Impressions and images will be taken of oral and facial dimensions, these measurements are taken to create Trial smile. And once, you have chosen smile features , teeth preparation begins. It involves teeth whitening etc. Number of teeth chosen to have fitted with the veneers depend on smiling. Some opt for front teeth veneers, others opt for lower and upper front teeth.

Care for Hollywood smile

  • Caring process involves maintaining usual dental hygiene, such as flossing and brushing. 
  • Maintain regular visits to dentist.
  • Avoid activities that lead to fractures or de-bonding.
  • Take care while biting solid, hard foods.

The Hollywood smile clinic in Al Barsha Mall helps you to get the ultimate smile makeover easily. The treatments and advice are provided to you by experienced doctors. To know more about Hollywood smile treatment please visit the below link.

Have you got an idea on Hollywood smile. Here All Smiles dental Spa, provides you with best Hollywood Smile Dubai.


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