Invisalign Treatment at All Smiles Dental Spa, Al Barsha, Dubai

Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatments include the process of wearing a series of clear and removable aligners to straighten your teeth. Invisalign "invisible braces" are different from traditional metal style braces fixed to teeth using brackets. One of the famous dental clinic provides Invisalign treatment at All Smiles Dental Spa, Al Barsha, Dubai.

Invisalign aligners are made of a flexible plastic called SmartTrack. Usually, they are thin, clear and fits your teeth and this makes it invisible. We believe that every smile is unique and so our treatment starts with a consultation. This treatment is a good solution for both adults and teens. The latest technological advancements and our innovations make teeth straightening and bite issues easy.

How do Invisalign braces work?

As a part of the treatment process, each aligner is shaped to apply pressure to the teeth. Normally you need to switch to new aligner twice in a month for better results. Invisalign treatment takes 12 to 18 months

Benefits of using Invisalign Braces

These braces are more discreet than the traditional metal braces and they are easily removable braces. Even though you need to keep it 20-22 hours a day, it can be removed while brushing, flossing.

Invisalign treatment at All Smiles Dental spa

The treatment starts with a consultation with a trained doctor and doctor will evaluate and maps out a treatment plan. Our Invisalign Treatment at All Smiles Dental Spa team helps you make the appointment with a doctor. After the consultation, a doctor will schedule regular appointments. These regular visits will ensure whether the treatment is progressing.

The cost of Invisalign treatment is similar to the cost of braces. The doctor determines the cost of treatment based on the complexity of the case. The result of this the procedure is clinically proven. To know more about the Invisalign treatment visit 'All Smiles Dental Spa' website and book for an appointment or click at the link given below.


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