What is Tooth Erosion? Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

What is Tooth Erosion? Symptoms, Causes and Prevention. This is one of the queries that we come across. Everyone wish to have strong, healthy teeth and for that, we need to take care by maintaining healthy dental practices. But most probably unhealthy diets and medicines lead to tooth erosion. Tooth erosion is due to the acid attack in tooth enamel. Enamel is the thin outer covering of the tooth. This is the hardest tissue in the human body.    Enamel covers the crown which is the part of the tooth that's seen outside of the gums. Since enamel doesn't have any living cells if once it is lost it cannot be retained. Usually, tooth erosion takes place when the acid washes the teeth enamel and eventually leads to tooth decay. In the beginning, cavities will be very small but when it get worst, it may reach the nerve of the tooth.

tooth erosion

Causes of Tooth Erosion

  • Cool drinks like juices.
  • Consumption of soft drinks.
  • Intake of medicines.
  • Dry mouth
  • Various external factors.
  • The action of several Acid Reflux

Remedies for Tooth Erosion

  • Decrease the intake of sugar.
  • After the consumption of acidic foods, don't brush the teeth suddenly.
  • Have milk and milk products in your diet.
  • Always take liquid diets with straw.
So now you must have understood the signs, causes, and remedies for tooth erosion. Take care of your tooth and have a beautiful smile. To get a detailed description of tooth erosion click on the link above.


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