Reasons To Change Toothbrush Once In Three Months - All Smiles Dent Spa

Reasons To Change Toothbrush Once In Three Months - All Smiles Dent Spa:

Reasons to change toothbrush
Do you remember the time when you started brushing and flossing with your current toothbrush? Are you surprised to know that most of us are not regularly changing our toothbrush as required? There are many problems associated with not changing toothbrushes regularly. You are even prone to serious tooth problems; Halitosis, gingivitis or other serious gum diseases.

Here are the few reasons to change toothbrush once in three months:

  • A toothbrush is in its perfect condition in the first 3 months of its purchase. After that point, the bristles will start to wear out. 
  • A worn out brush can cause gum bleeding.
  • A new brush removes plaque more than the old worn out brush. The old brush becomes ineffective in cleaning after a certain point in time.
  • Pressing too hard against the teeth is also not good for the teeth as well as the brush. If you are someone whose brush wears out very quickly it is because of the pressure you apply on its bristle.
  • If the technique you use for brushing teeth is not correct there are chances you are losing out on your teeth as well as your toothbrush.
  • If your brush has really hard bristles do change your toothbrush. It can cause serious tooth issues.
  • Change your toothbrush if you just got recovered from flu or any such diseases. It is the best to switch toothbrush as there will be a lot of bacteria.
Changing toothbrush from time to time may seem like a daunting task. But to keep up with oral hygiene it is recommended to change brush every 3 months. With this small act, you will be able to keep your tooth infections at bay to an extent.


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