Unveiling Herpes Cold Sore Facts & Prevention Techniques

Unveiling Herpes Cold Sore Facts & Prevention Techniques
Herpes Cold Sore is caused around the border of lips by the virus called Herpes Simplex Virus. Cold sore is also known as herpes labialis or fever blister.
In India, more than10 million cases are attended per year. It is easily spread disease. Cold sore spreads by saliva like kissing or sharing drinks, by skin to skin contacts like handshakes or hugs, by having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex.
People with, herpes cold sore may experience tingling mouth, sore lips, tingling lip, ulcers in the mouth, ulcers in the skin, rashes in the skin, blisters in the skin or else burning sensation. The burning sensation is a very common symptom of the cold sore.

herpes cold sore in child

Herpes Cold Sore consists of Antiviral treatment

  • Monitoring changes or improvements instead of taking action.
  • Self-Care: soothing of painful muscles and joints. It may help to reduce the inflammation.
  • Medication: 
  • Use antiviral to reduce the ability of the virus replicate.
  •  Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain, decrease inflammation & reduces fever.  
  •  Analgesic to relieves pain.

Usually, it's a self-diagnosable disease. See the specialists if:

  • When the symptoms are severe.
  • The cold sore doesn't heal within 2 weeks.
  • When you have a weak immune system.
  • If you have a frequent recurrence of a cold sore.
  • If you have irritation in your eyes. 


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