How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth? - All Smiles Dent Spa

Does alcohol affect your teeth?

Alcohol effect on teeth

Every one of you would like a white smile, but regular consumption of alcohol will destroy your white smile. Even though the moderate intake of alcohol is fine, alcohol is not considered as a part of a healthy drink. Many of you might know the dangers of excessive alcohol use, like metabolism problem, cirrhosis of the liver, circulatory diseases, but you might be less aware of the negative effect of alcohol on your body including your teeth and gums.

Alcohol Abuse Doesn’t just mean more Cavities

Most of the people are not drinking alcohol as it’s own. Alcohol it’s own will not damage your teeth. But bear, liquor, and mixed drinks have high sugar content and acidic effects. Soft users to moderate users will not be having a high disk of tooth decay if, he/she follow a good oral hygiene regularly. But it’s not the case of an alcoholic person or even for a regular moderate user, alcohol will badly affect your teeth and gums. It includes tooth decay, permanent teeth lose, mouth cancer, etc.
If you want to know more about the effect of alcohol on your teeth do check How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth? - All Smiles Dent Spa


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